Monday, January 18, 2010

A day of school

Today there was weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth over math, and that was not fun. But, I wanted to write a few words about the things that were fun.

We started off our day with a game of Rummy Roots. It was our first time playing, and we had a blast! It's the simplest way I know of to introduce greek and latin roots. This evening my kids listed off at least 10 new roots that they learned this morning.

Then this afternoon, we sat in the sunshine and finished this precious book. It has been such a treat to read this story of a pioneer girl growing up in the wilderness of Wisconsin. Every time we've read, the children have begged for more. It even captured the attention of my 4 and 5 year olds. Then today as we read the emotional last chapter, the children and I all cried aloud. It is sad that our daily adventures with Caddy have ended, but she taught us much about courage and kindness.

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